Local Vs Global communication for Social Media

Which one is the best way to communicate? Is it Local/own/mother language or is it the globally accepted language like English that may influence better and in more effective way to communicate with the global people.

Local language in Global Media

Local language in Global Media

If the meaning for social media is to create some influence on the network, then it must be global language for an effective communication. Otherwise, it may hamper the viral effect after a certain point of time.

If updates are available in say French, then to us, the people who are used to English, it is difficult to grasp the exact wave. Participation stops.

Moreover, if local language say Bengali is expressed in written English, then also the process create a lot of difficulties for the end users across the friends network.

Now come to the marketing or Optimization. What happens?
Expressions with native languages would entail a local buzz. Hence a Niche Product. The way to globalize the fact would be a simple translation in English of the chats.


Filed under Social Media

6 responses to “Local Vs Global communication for Social Media

  1. Frank Dirks


    I would like to know if I can use the image of the two hands forming Earth, for my website… Can you please let me know if I can buy it at some stockphoto website?

    Kind Regards, Frank Dirks

    • Sekhar Saha

      You can always use it..its free and no copyright is there.

      • Frank Dirks

        Dear Sekhar,

        Thankyou for your reply. I am very happy to hear that. Can you tell me where go got it by the way?

        Thankyou Frank

      • Sekhar Saha

        There are few websites like gettyimages and google images where u can find few photos of same theme.


  2. Frank Dirks

    Hi Sekhar,

    Yeah I know. I bought a few stockphoto’s from Getty en Shutterstock. But I am interested where this particular image comes from and who is the photographer. I already searched for it, but I cannot find it anywhere. Do you have the original filename?

    Thx Frank

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