New Issue of Web Usability – Focus the Age-group

The Web Usability research could be extended to the different age groups also. And accordingly search marketers could reap the benefits from the web page outlet.

This is something Unlock Your Creativity.

Go to a children school, put a point on the board and ask what is that?
You could be mesmerized with the answers you might get.
1. A point
2. Burned hamburger
4. Smashed Insect
3. French Hat and so on…

On the contrary, if you ask the same question to a meeting crowded with lots of executives, the likely answer would be one (in most of the cases) – Point. We had read this kind of article in our school time.

So search marketers and web usability analysts can thought of this issue for the design, eye-tracking behavior and at the end marketise the products, informations.

Different age groups might have different nature of navigation and usability and they used to search for different products. What do you call this? Vertical Search! Yes, diversification of vertical search.

  1. Children would search for educational information, games and other related queries.
  2. Keywords for genY would be different.
  3. Old generation certainly search for medicines, diseases, spiritual meaning (I suppose).

Accordingly product and product management targeted to the niche customers could be designed on the basis of keywords and key phrases.

So the bottom line of web research is, whether web usability analysis could track the creativity aspect of human nature (while navigating the web page) or not.

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Filed under Management, research, Web Usability

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